Mrs. Perry has searched extensively trying to find a great site to help her students become better typers. She thinks her search is over. This site is awesome!! Try out BBC's School's Dance Mat Typing and tell her what you think! Rock your way to becoming an amazing typing star!! Start at the very beginning. DO NOT SKIP AHEAD! Repeat each level until you can do it without making ONE mistake and without LOOKING AT THE KEYBOARD! This is how Mrs. Perry is able to type so quickly. You'll be a super speedy typer too if you practice, practice, practice!
Remember, all projects and final drafts have some required typing component. This means that you have to type it (not your parents, not your best friend, not a sibling, YOU!). After all, you will have a limited time to type assignments here at school, and a limited time to complete Science MSA on the computer. The more practicing you do the better typer you will be so, it is very important that you start practicing your typing skills at home to help you meet this expectation.
(Psst! It's a secret, but you'll have fun doing your typing homework. Shhhh! Don't tell your parents that it's FUN! Tell them that it is your ULTRA-IMPORTANT HOMEWORK!)
Oh! And there is some really way cool music on this site as well, so be sure to have your speakers on if you have them!